Why Video Marketing is Essential in the Age of Short Attention Spans

Growth • Dec 15, 2022

Times have changed, and brands are massively moving from traditional marketing methods to digital ones. Digital marketing is now the most effective way of connecting businesses with their customers. One of the most valuable digital marketing tools is video marketing.

Video marketing comes in handy in helping potential customers learn about a product. Besides, Google loves videos, so ranking and more sales will be possible. The most exciting part of video marketing is its ability to capture the attention of customers struggling with short attention spans.

A short attention span is an inability to focus on a task for an extended time. In other words, people with short attention spans can only concentrate on something for a few seconds or minutes. Notably, this has become a new norm among modern-day consumers.

Through video marketing, brands can be smatter to capture the attention of those consumers with short attention spans. Thankfully, this guide explores why video marketing is essential in the age of short attention spans. You’ll also learn the best video marketing strategies to adopt.

The Power of Video Marketing

Video marketing takes the lead in capturing customers’ attention compared to all the other digital marketing tools. That’s because videos sell your brand’s story more effectively and in a more engaging format than a script or photo.

Naturally, the videos’ fascinating aspect leaves memories of your brand in your consumers, thus building a greater authority for your business. Besides, the customers can share the videos and engage other potential consumers.

But which is the best way to promote brand awareness, drive conversions and increase customer engagement? Here are some of the best ways to use videos.

  • Email marketing: One of the best ways to make your email contacts aware of your brand is by sending promotional messages and reminders.

    You can make the most of this strategy by including links to your brand’s videos in your promotional emails or using the videos directly in your email campaigns.
  • Social media: It’s a powerful platform for promoting your business’s videos and capturing a massive audience’s attention.

    Share your brand videos on platforms like Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram. If you can, pick the option of a paid promotion because it will increase your reach.

    The other way to boost traffic on your social media platforms is by ensuring your content is consistent and shareable. Also, infuse the personality of your business into your videos because it will resonate with the target audience.
  • Search engine optimization: Video optimization is another way to boost visibility and bring more traffic to your brand’s website. So, add closed captions and use keywords.
  • Embed videos on your website: If you have an active website for your business, embedding videos can help drive conversions and increase engagement. Don’t hesitate to add videos to your website’s landing pages, product pages, and other critical areas.

As you employ any of the above strategies, ensure the videos convince the audience why they need your brand. Use a style and language that captures their attention, like a one-on-one conversation. Let the audience feel you know their challenges and can offer a solution.

The Impact of Short Attention Spans on Video Marketing

Many people suffer digital fatigue when they spend much time on screens, thus dropping their attention span. However, you can change this narrative by using short videos to capture and maintain users’ attention.

People want information in the palms of their hands, and the short-video strategy significantly benefits marketers. Many brands have confirmed that short-term videos have significantly boosted online popularity, especially among millennials.

As much as short videos are a game changer in digital marketing, you must execute engaging and compelling videos that resonate with today’s audience. But how do you achieve that?

Read through the tips below and create attention-catching videos.

  1. Focus on the curiosity of your target audience
    The most significant force behind innovation and human development is human curiosity. There is an urge in every person to know the why, how, where, and when of anything. Keeping this human trait in mind would help create engaging short videos.

    Leaving a gap in the knowledge of your target audience will keep them engaged in your video content. You can achieve this in many ways, like selecting the most eye-catching parts of the video and incorporating them at the start. That will trigger the viewers’ interest to watch.
  2. Hold your audience’s attention
    According to research by Facebook, 45 percent of the audience watching a video in the first three seconds will continue watching it if it’s engaging.

    So, it’s critical for your video to be enticing in those three seconds. If your content starts slow, it will not drive conversions well. Let the footage start engaging your target audience immediately.
  3. Use eye-catching visuals
    Nowadays, videos are many people’s most famous information and entertainment source. You can confirm this with the popularity of Youtube.

    Oberlo depicts that over 84 percent of internet users in the U.S. watch videos daily, and 54 percent of the population frequently demand video content from their favorite companies.

    Your videos must be fun to watch when people have short attention spans and little time. If you want to pass your point to your audience quickly, consider using visual storytelling. Then, you can spice it up by adding narration and text animation to end up with engaging content.
  4. Use the modes of persuasion
    In advertisement and speech writing, various modes of persuasion can engage the audience more. They include pathos, ethos, and logos, which help emphasize a point.

    Here is a description of the three modes of appeal.
    • Pathos: Emotional appeal
    • Ethos: Ethical appeal
    • Logos: Logical appeal
  5. Be factual and credible
    Building trust between vendors and customers is essential in every business, but that can only be possible with a credible brand. In addition, you can significantly increase engagement with your audience if they see you as a reliable content source.

    Remember to add logos, facts, and figures to your content. Also, ensure your claims are backed up and give credit where it’s due. If you maintain your brand’s reputation, you won’t be scared of damage control. Failure to be factual is suicidal for a company’s image in the present times.

Video Marketing Strategies for the Age of Short Attention Spans

Every company wants to attract people’s attention on the internet. We’ve seen that video marketing is the most effective method, mainly in the present time when a short attention span is a new norm. Creating videos that grab attention will help you reach your audience.

Here are some video marketing strategies that help in the age of short attention spans.

  1. Use clean and compelling titles
    Your audience should know what to expect even before clicking on your video. Make this possible by using a descriptive title that hints at what the video is about.

    You must therefore be creative and use enticing wordplay for those scanning your social media platforms or website to click on the video.
  2. Use appealing cover images
    The cover image of your video can persuade viewers to play your video. It is, therefore, critical that your videos start strong with an eye-candy shot. For instance, you can include real humans in your video content to attract the eyes of your audience on the internet; people love people.
  3. Use text animations
    Text animations are moving letters, words, or paragraphs, and they are a perfect strategy for capturing viewers’ attention in the age of a short attention span.

    Moreover, animated texts are irresistible even to those with short attention span issues; hence they will stop scrolling and watch your content.

    Text animations also play a significant role in differentiating your company in a flooded landscape. For visibility, ensure your video’s animated texts are bold and bright.
  4. Use clear CTAs
    Having the most views on your videos is not enough; you should also ensure they encourage your audience to take action by either clicking on your site or following you on social media.

    Your video must include a clear call to action that communicates the message and intent of your brand. That way, you’ll increase the number of conversions on your website.

    The CTA will motivate and guide the audience through the purchasing journey and impacts the conversion rates directly.
  5. Personalized experiences
    People with short attention spans want a more personalized experience with the companies they want to invest in. However, you can only offer that experience if you understand the customers’ needs and get instant feedback to provide better solutions.

    The good news is that there are many tools you can use to offer your customers a real-time service, and Live Chat is a great example. Such interactive tools let you connect directly and instantly with customers, address their concerns, give solutions, and market your products.

    Interacting with your customers on all your brand’s digital platforms and conversing with them is a perfect way to keep them engaged and capture their interest.

Examples of successful video marketing campaigns that have adapted to the demands of the modern consumer

Every undertaking in the business world needs inspiration. When using video marketing to promote your brand, it’s essential to first look at successful video marketing campaigns. That will help you create engaging videos that translate to more business.

Let’s look at some examples of video marketing campaigns that will inspire you.

  1. Always
    In all its video ads of Always, the company focuses on tackling women’s stereotypical perceptions, which its female audience relates to.

    As a result, the women feel inspired to think of doing something that will change their perceptions, pushing them to purchase the company’s products.

    The takeaway in this brand’s videos is that your content must empower the consumer and make them feel good. That will highly increase the chances of them purchasing your products.
  2. Proctor and Gamble
    This company understands what modern moms need to know about their kids. Their “Thank you mom’’ campaign focuses on the power of moms.

    The marketing video starts with kids running as Olympic athletes, and the mom encourages them to try again whenever they fall. As a result, the kids become successful athletes, with their moms cheering them for success.

    This video is impactful because it appeals to the audience’s emotions and narrates a story. One thing to copy from the video is to create stories around your products to help customers get involved with your content.
  3. Internet Explorer
    Last on our list is Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Their video advertisement has dominated the internet since its inception.

    The video comprises famous items from the 1990s, with its highlights being things like Hungry Hippos and Oregon Trail.

    This ad leaves the viewers nostalgic, especially at its end, where the voiceover says Internet Explorer has grown as people of the 90s grow.

    Internet Explorer knows its audience, which is why the ad has succeeded. So, try to understand your audience and let them know about it. As a result, it will be a game changer for your brand.


In the era of reduced attention spans, companies must work smarter by using video ads that capture the audience’s attention. Ensure you focus on their curiosity, use eye-catching visuals, and remain factual and credible.

Also, create videos with clear titles, appealing images, and CTA’s. Finally, don’t forget to personalize your ad videos, so you converse with your customers and offer solutions.

Video marketing is a promotional tool that changes businesses drastically. So if you need to market your brand, do not hesitate to use videos. That’s because we’ve mentioned some campaign ads that can inspire you to create more engaging videos.

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